Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Woodrow Wilson and American Diplomacy - 2945 Words

Woodrow Wilson and American Diplomacy â€Å"Until early in [the twentieth] century, the isolationist tendency prevailed in American foreign policy. Then, two factors projected America into world affairs: its rapidly expanding power, and the gradual collapse of the international system centered on Europe† . President Woodrow Wilson was the leader who would initiate the ideologies of American diplomacy in the twentieth century. Up until his Presidency, American foreign policy was simply to fulfill the course of manifest destiny, and to remain free of entanglements overseas. Although he could not convince his fellow politicians on Capitol Hill of the probable success of his ideas, he did persuade the fellow writers of the Treaty of†¦show more content†¦Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. From 1913-1917, Wilson and Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan had to deal with an unstable Mexican government. â€Å"Bryan was easily the leading opponent of imperialism and navalism and a pioneer in the movement to advance peace through arbitration and conciliation.† The Wilsonian foreign policy was the start of the concept that war should be avoided at all costs. This policy, named New Freedom diplomacy, was seen in the ordeal with Mexico. Wilson only desired to see the Mexicans establish a constitutional government, and overthrow the new leader of Mexico, Victoriano Huerta. As soon as Huerta seized power from the unstable government, some of the northern states began anti-Huerta campaigns. At first Wilson suggested that America would mediate the dispute between Huerta and the Governor of Coahuila, Venustiano Carranza, and his followers in the Constitutionalist movement. But to Wilson’s surprise both parties utterly rejected any American interference. On October 13, 1913, Huerta arrested most of the chamber of deputies and inaugurated a military dictatorship. Wilson was so angered by the breakup of anyShow MoreRelatedAmerican Diplomacy That Kissinger Notes And What Makes American Diplomatic History Unique?1466 Words   |  6 Pagesinherent tensions in American Diplomacy that Kissinger notes and what makes American diplomatic history unique?† â€Å"To what extent would you define yourself as a realist or an idealist in regards to American foreign policy?† â€Å"What unique factors contribute to American expansionism and isolationism?† The inherent tensions in American diplomacy, in the twentieth century, that Kissinger notes, are foreign policy, the balance of power system, and the conflicts and ideas of Woodrow Wilson and Theodore RooseveltRead MoreThe American Of American Identity Essay1520 Words   |  7 Pagesa prosperous economy built on a free market system. 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