Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Debate Over E Books Vs Books Essay - 804 Words

The debate over e-books vs books in print has been a controversial issue since the digital age began. There are a variety of people with different viewpoints that make it very difficult for school districts to make decisions over this dispute. Some grade level students prefer using digital textbooks over using printed books because it makes learning more interesting and interactive. Some grade level teachers and parents, however, think digital textbooks can be a distraction in the classroom. The issues concerned in this controversial discussion include the cost, learning distractions,and health issues involved, and the motivation to learn. There are many schools in grades K-12 that are digitizing their textbooks. One positive factor of using e-books in schools has been the cost. In the article written by the MacNn staff, they informed the public that switching from textbooks to e-books â€Å"will save schools about $250 per student per year† (MacNn). Districts will then be able to utilize their remaining budgets to purchase upgrades, software, and other materials able to maintain the e-books throughout the years as technology advances. Using digital textbooks in school also creates a more interesting and interactive learning environment for grade level students. In a PBS blog post covering a survey that includes K-12 grade level teachers shows that â€Å"According to the survey, tech resources used most often in the classroom include† an increase of motivation by the students toShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Print Books And E Books940 Words   |  4 PagesReading books is one of the things that have a major impact on people’s life. As the time is passing, technology is reaching new heights and one of the popular gift that technology has given to world in recent past is E Books. E books is basically the digital face of printed books. 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