Saturday, December 28, 2019

War Experience, By Siegfried Sassoon And The Song Hero Of...

There have been many ways authors have addressed the theme of war in literary texts. Some texts that attempt to represent war are patriotic or nationalistic. Others will focus on courage and sacrifice, and some might even be critical of governments that commit to wars or be sympathetic to the people involved in them. The authors values and beliefs are underlined in every text no matter how war is being portrayed. It is necessary to explore the author to see what has shaped these values and beliefs so the text can be analysed and evaluated effectively. Two texts that portray such things are the poem, ‘Repression of War Experience’ by Siegfried Sassoon and the song ‘Hero of War’ written by Tim Mcllrath. The values and beliefs of the†¦show more content†¦As the poem progresses the reader develops a sense of connection with the soldier and identifies with the challenges they face trying not to think of war. It starts off by the character getting distrac ted by a moth and refers to it all through the poem. But quickly after describing the moth as a â€Å"liquid flame,† he rethinks and remembers â€Å"it’s bad to think about war.† The moth is used as a distraction for the character and keeps pulling his focus to different things. He relieves himself by lighting a pipe and trying to think of rain but then questioned â€Å"why won’t it rain?† This line is a way of expressing the fact that he wants the world to be cleaner and prettier and creates imagery for the reader. Then he thinks of books and tries to get himself to read one but instead he tells himself, â€Å"yet you sit and gnaw your nails, and let your pipe out, and listen to the silence: on the ceiling.† the moth then draws his attention outside and he imagines ghost out in the garden, â€Å"old men with ugly souls,† is what he sees. But tries to redirect himself to the fact that he is safe at home, although he can still hear g un sounds in his head and describes himself as â€Å"going crazy,† and â€Å"going stark, staring mad because of the guns.† Sassoon right through the entire poem effectively conveys

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Debate Over E Books Vs Books Essay - 804 Words

The debate over e-books vs books in print has been a controversial issue since the digital age began. There are a variety of people with different viewpoints that make it very difficult for school districts to make decisions over this dispute. Some grade level students prefer using digital textbooks over using printed books because it makes learning more interesting and interactive. Some grade level teachers and parents, however, think digital textbooks can be a distraction in the classroom. The issues concerned in this controversial discussion include the cost, learning distractions,and health issues involved, and the motivation to learn. There are many schools in grades K-12 that are digitizing their textbooks. One positive factor of using e-books in schools has been the cost. In the article written by the MacNn staff, they informed the public that switching from textbooks to e-books â€Å"will save schools about $250 per student per year† (MacNn). Districts will then be able to utilize their remaining budgets to purchase upgrades, software, and other materials able to maintain the e-books throughout the years as technology advances. Using digital textbooks in school also creates a more interesting and interactive learning environment for grade level students. In a PBS blog post covering a survey that includes K-12 grade level teachers shows that â€Å"According to the survey, tech resources used most often in the classroom include† an increase of motivation by the students toShow MoreRelatedDifference Between Print Books And E Books940 Words   |  4 PagesReading books is one of the things that have a major impact on people’s life. As the time is passing, technology is reaching new heights and one of the popular gift that technology has given to world in recent past is E Books. E books is basically the digital face of printed books. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Global Warming In European Summer Tourism -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Global Warming In European Summer Tourism? Answer: Introduction In the last few years, the world has undergone drastic changes in the rise of resource scarcity and climate alterations. Canada is one of those major examples of the countries where the impact of climate change is highly notable (ONeill, 2013). This report will elaborate on a clear insight on how climate change has affected, both positively and negatively the Canadian population, especially in Sweden in terms of tourism industry and natural disasters. Discussion Tourism industry is one of the significant and most growing sectors in Sweden, however, the changed climates is continuously affecting its growth and developments since the past decades. The negative impact- Climate changes have resulted in poorer access to snow, which in turn has resulted in deterioration of the winter tourism in Sweden. It is to be noted that the remarkable increase in Canadian winter temperature will entail vital changes in the winter dynamics, counting in the hills and management. It is to be mentioned that the average temperature of the region will have a significant rise by about 2 to 3 degree centigrade throughout the entire winter season. With the same, it is also expected to be increased by 2.5 to 4 degree centigrade by the end of 2050. The positive impact- The summer tourism is however benefited by the climate change (Grillakis, 2016). It is expected to increase further in the coming years. In the important summer months, Sweden enjoys a good income from tourism as because of the longer season. It is achieving achieve greater potential in changed climates with high bathing temperatures and warmer summers than before. On housing development and Natural disasters One of the other major affects of climate change is that it has resulted in the increase in precipitation in the Western part of Sweden and decrease of the ice cover period of the Baltic Sea. These have brought in an intensified or increased risk of erosion, not to mention the floods and the landslides that sometimes even results in cuts to the supply of drinking water. Furthermore, with the increase in global warming, there the frequency of habitat destruction, forest fires and drought have been increased to a greater extent. The changed climate in the boreal forest usually predicts drier and warmer conditions that directly result in fire. Habitat modification, or say, destruction is the other aspect of the changed climate because of global warming, which is negatively influencing the Canadian forests. In the year 2014, after a long period of forty years, a largest wildfire in Sweden had resulted in the burning of more than 36 thousand acres of land ("Largest Wildfire in Over 40 Years Out of Control in Sweden", 2018)., The shorter winter and warmer weather is only cumulating to favor the insects or pests, which is overspreading many trees and slowing down the reproduction process. This in turn is again a major threat to the timber industries of Sweden, Canada. National Efforts The issue of climate change greatly influences the overall growth of the region and city. Many efforts are made by the Sweden government, both to reduce the emissions of gases that contribute to global warming and to adapt the city to the new requirements. There is a continuous action for building up new buildings in a climate-smart way so that they could not be affected by the changed climate in severe manner. Government has implemented the process of developing up of the localities that are within the urban region into more attractive centers that are connected to one another with dense network of public transport (Suzuki, Cervero and Luchi, 2013). It has also planned to change the wide street thoroughfares that are for motor traffics into spaces for recreation, cycling and pedestrian. The areas with greenery are restricted from development of buildings, as this is very important to dilute the affects of changes climate and for the betterment of the health and well being of people. The Canadian government is continuously implementing its plan to regulate the emission of GHG on the basis of sector by sector approach. It has also put several regulations in places in order to address emissions from the transportation sectors and electricity, which are the two major sources of emissions in Canada. With the same, it has also implemented the ecoENERGY Efficiency program that is helping the nation in improving its energy use and in accelerating the development of technology solutions (Gamtessa, 2013). Conclusion Thus, it could be concluded from the above that the increase in the emission of carbon dioxide and rise in temperature, is only adding up to precipitation and in turn is contributing to harmful natural disasters and decrease in the national economy. Although there are several positive impacts of climate change, yet they are negligible in front of its large array of negativities. Canadian government is taking necessary actions by implementing several plans and projects to control or to minimize the effect of climate change and people must contribute to the same as much as possible. References: Gamtessa, S. F. (2013). An explanation of residential energy-efficiency retrofit behavior in Canada.Energy and Buildings,57, 155-164. Grillakis, M. G., Koutroulis, A. G., Seiradakis, Accounting. D., Tsanis, I. K. (2016). Implications of 2 C global warming in European summer tourism.Climate Services,1, 30-38. Largest Wildfire in Over 40 Years Out of Control in Sweden. (2018) Retrieved 16 March 2018, from ONeill, S. J., Boykoff, M., Niemeyer, S., Day, S. A. (2013). On the use of imagery for climate change engagement.Global environmental change,23(2), 413-421. Suzuki, H., Cervero, R., Iuchi, K. (2013).Transforming cities with transit: Transit and land-use integration for sustainable urban development. World Bank Publications.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Ant Farm free essay sample

Preparation Outline Purpose At the end of my presentation, the audience will come to realize how majestic the ant kingdom is and how the inner works of their cities resemble that of humans. Introduction Most of you have probably heard or read about the amazing capabilities of non-human organisms to communicate and interact with one another. But have any of you really seen the interworks of such species’ societies? One specific organism of leaf cutter ants may surprise you, as you will witness the astonishing similarities they share with our society. Central Idea An underground city formed by the leafcutter ant, which includes extensive highways, paths, and gardens, was found covered beneath the earth in Brazil. Preview We are better informed of the doings of this super organism by first understanding the steps that were taken to excavate the underground ant city, then realizing what was found, and finally, comparing the megalopolis to the human equivalence of a city. We will write a custom essay sample on Ant Farm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Body Outline I. The steps taken to excavate the underground ant city A. The scientists’ first job was to measure the flow and composition of air in the plumbing system of the ducts. . A machine was used to sample the air in order to figure out which chimney does what. Each vent was then marked yellow indicating the expulsion of carbon dioxide or red indicating the inflows of fresh air. B. Next, the scientists had to dig into the system to discover where the ducts lead and what is driving the circulation of air. C. Finally, the vents were filled with cement. 2. The amount of cement that they had to use was incredible. It took them three days until ten tonnes of cement vanished into the tubes. 3. A month later, after the cement dried, they began the excavation. It took weeks to uncover the secret megalopolis of the ants. II. What was found D. The Grass Cutter ants have two types of chambers. One where they dispose of garden garbage. These pits are important for keeping the city clean. This garbage material also helps drive the ventilation system. The chambers used for vegetation purposes make up the garden chambers. The temperature difference between the garbage and garden chambers creates a flow of air forcing air filled with carbon dioxide upward, while sucking fresh air in. E. After weeks of excavation, the scientists were able to see the structure of the city-state. . Underground highways are formed connecting the main chambers, and off the main routes are side roads. The different paths lead to the fungus gardens used for vegetation and garbage pits. Tunnels are designed to insure good ventilation and provide shortest transportation routes. III. After the excavation, we are able to see how ants relate to humans F. According to the scie ntists, this underground miracle is the equivalent of building the Great Wall of China. 5. Everything looks like an architect has designed it. 6. The complex structure covers over 500 square meters and travels 26 feet below the earth. G. While building this, the colony of ants moved 40 tonnes of soil, each load weighing four times as much as the worker ant and was carried over half a mile to the surface. Conclusion In conclusion, after going through the necessary procedures needed to excavate the ant city, the scientists discovered a whole new world. They then later realized this to be quite similar to that of the human society and truly a wonder of the world. Reference (2012). Scientists excavate underground ant city in Brazil. Xinhuanet, Retrieved from http://big5. xinhuanet. com/gate/big5/news. xinhuanet. com/english/sci/2012-02/06

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Population Control Essay Sample free essay sample

Human population control is the pattern of unnaturally changing the rate of growing of a human population. Historically. human population control has been implemented by restricting the population’s birth rate. normally by authorities authorization. and has been undertaken as a response to factors including high or increasing degrees of poorness. environmental concerns. spiritual grounds. and overpopulation. While population control can affect steps that improve people’s lives by giving them greater control of their reproduction. some plans have exposed them to development. Worldwide. the population control motion was active throughout the sixtiess and 1970s. driving many generative wellness and household planning plans. In the 1980s. tenseness grew between population control advocates and women’s wellness militants who advanced women’s generative rights as portion of a human rights-based attack. Turning resistance to the narrow population control focal point led to a important alteration in population control policies in the early population control may utilize one or more of the undermentioned patterns although there are other methods as good contraceptive method. We will write a custom essay sample on Population Control Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page abstention. medical abortion. out-migration. diminishing in-migration. sterilisation. mercy killing. and race murder. Contraception is a technique of birth control that can be classified by the phase of reproduction during which it is active. A signifier of birth control which prevents the sperm from fertilising the egg is a prophylactic agent. A signifier of birth control which acts after fertilisation to forestall or disrupt the nidation of the embryo into the uterine liner is a prophylactic agent. After nidation has occurred. an agent which ends gestation by ending the gestation is an aborticide. These mechanisms of action are non ever reciprocally sole. One substance or device can hold more than one possible consequence depending upon when it is used. For illustration. while abortion pill is best known as an aborticide. it can besides work as a prophylactic agent. Likewise. the IUD can be used as a preventive depending upon when it is inserted. Abstinence is non holding sex. A individual who decides to pattern abstention has decided non to hold sex. If two people don’t have sex. so sperm can’t fertilise an egg and there’s no possibility of a gestation. Some signifiers of birth control depend on barriers that prevent the sperm from making the egg ( such as rubbers or stop ) . Others interfere with the catamenial rhythm ( as birth control pills do ) . With abstention. no barriers or pills are necessary because the individual is non holding sex. You don’t hold to be a virgin to pattern abstention. Sometimes people who have been holding sex decide non to go on holding sex. Even if a individual has been holding sex. he or she can still take abstention to forestall gestation and sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) in the hereafter. Abstinence is 100 % effectual in forestalling gestation. Although many birth control methods can hold high rates of success if used decently. they can neglect on occasion. Practicing abstention ensures that a miss won’t become pregnant because there’s no chance for sperm to fertilise an egg. A medical abortion is a type of non-surgical abortion in which abortifacient pharmaceutical drug s are used to bring on abortion. An unwritten readying for medical abortion is normally referred to as an abortion pill. Medical abortion became an alternate method of abortion with the handiness of prostaglandin parallels in the early 1970s and the antiprogestogen abortion pill in the 1980s. Emigration is the act of go forthing one’s state or part to settle in another state. It is the same as in-migration except from a different position. Human motion in general is termed migration. There are many grounds why people might take to emigrate. Some are for grounds of spiritual. political or economic freedom or flight. Others have personal grounds such as matrimony. Some people populating in rich states with cold climes choose to travel to warmer climes when they retire such as topographic points like South Florida. Decreasing in-migration is a method where the authorities puts forth its attempts in order to halt leting citizens from other states from migrating to the United States. All contraceptive method methods. other than the usage of a rubber. are applied by the female. There are a assortment of Torahs in many states which prohibit or regulate the handiness of prophylactic devices. The Torahs range from straight-out prohibition to prohibition of some signifiers of contraceptive method to whether a prescription is required. Contraceptives are devices. techniques and methods used to forestall fertilisation. Barrier preventives are devices which attempt to forestall gestation by physically forestalling sperm from come ining the womb. Devicess in common usage include rubbers. female rubbers. cervical caps. and stop. SILCS stop are still in clinical testing. Hormonal contraceptives inhibit female ovulation or fertilisation. These include injectable and unwritten preventives. The most common hormonal preventives are the combined unwritten preventive pill. normally referred as â€Å"The Pill† . which includes a combination of an estrogen and a progestogen ( progestin ) . and the minipill that contains merely man-made progestins and do non incorporate estrogen. Emergency preventives. or â€Å"morning-after pills† . are drugs that disrupt ovulation or fertilisation in order to forestall gestation taken after sexual intercourse. An Intrauterine device can besides be used as an exigency preventive. if it is implanted early plenty. although it has a contragestive consequence when it is implanted subsequently The methods chosen can be strongly influenced by the spiritual and cultural beliefs of community members. The failure of other methods of population control can take to the usage of abortion or infanticide as solutions. While a specific population control pattern may be legal in one state. it may be illegal or restricted in another. declarative mood of the contention environing this subject. Opinions vary among economic experts about the effects of population alteration on a nation’s economic wellness. Recent US scientific research concluded that the elevation of a kid costs about $ 16. 000 annually ( $ 291. 570 sum for raisin g him/her up to his/her 18th birthday ) . In the USA. the generation of this figure with the annual population growing will give the overall cost of the population growing. Costss for other developed states are normally similar. While some believe that decrease of the population is a key to economic growing. others argue that population decrease should be focused on what they judge to be unwanted subdivisions of the population ( see Eugenics ) . Other economic experts doubt that a correlativity between population decrease and economic growing exists. Some economic experts. such as Thomas Sowell and Walter E. Williams. have argued that poorness and dearth are caused by bad authorities and bad economic policies. non by overpopulation. In his book. The Ultimate Resource. economic expert Julian Simon argued that higher population denseness leads to more specialisation and technological invention. which in bend leads to a higher criterion of life. He claimed that human existences are the ultimate resource since we possess â€Å"productive and imaginative heads that help happen originative solutions to man’s jobs. therefore go forthing us better off over the long run† . He besides claimed that. â€Å"Our species is better off in merely about every mensurable stuff manner. † Simon besides claimed that if you considered a list of states ranked in order by population denseness. there is no correlativity between population denseness and poorness and famishment. and alternatively. if you considered a list of states ranked in order by corruptness within their several authoritiess. there is a important correlativity between authorities corruptness and poorness and dearth. In 1999. Gao Xiao Duan. a former Chinese decision maker of the one-couple. one-child policy. appeared before the United States Congress to turn to this policy. In Duan’s testimony. he recalled. â€Å"Once I found a adult female [ in China ] who was nine months pregnant but did non hold a birth-allowed certification. Harmonizing to policy. she was forced to undergo an abortion. In the operating room. I saw how the aborted child’s lips were sucking. how its limbs were stretching. A doctor intected toxicant into its skull. and the kid died and was thrown into the rubbish can. â₠¬  China is one of the largest advocates of the population control motion. which has won the blessing of some of the most influential people around the universe today. However. once these policies have been examined. it seems clear that population control tactics have no topographic point in the American civilization. Our contemporary motion toward population control can be traced back to John D. Rockefeller. In 1952. Rockefeller returned from a trip to Asia where he’d viewed a monolithic population of people. Convinced that these multitudes were â€Å"the individual greatest menace to the earth’s survival† . he rapidly began deviating 100s of 1000000s of dollars from his foundation toward a end of population stabilisation. Apparently. Communist China agreed with Rockefeller’s theories. By 1979. China had instituted their celebrated one-child policy. It is. by the manner. a misconception that this policy was enacted due to dwindling nutrient militias ; Hong Kong. whose population bursts at 75 times more people than mainland China. and who has no land available for agribusiness. is one of the best-fed parts in the universe. Of class. the population control motion is still strong and now self-praises of many affluent American protagonists. Among these protagonists are organisations like Zero Population Growth ( ZPG ) and Negative Population Growth. whose population end is 120-150 million fewer U. S. citizens than are alive today. Peoples like David Packard. co-founder of Hewlett-Packard. Bill Gates. and media mogul Ted Turner join the motion and lend a humongous sum of about $ 17 billion to population control foundations like UNFPA ( United Nations Population Fund ) . Ted Turner ( harmonizing to the United Nations Population Information Network ) has been reported to compare the human population to a pestilence of locusts. and has formulated the â€Å"Ted Commandments† . These are a list of duties that the American people should. in Turner’s sentiment. purely adhere to. One of the commandments includes â€Å"a promise to hold no more than two kids or no more than my state suggests† . Turner has late gone on record as make up ones minding that merely one kid should be allowed. Upon closer scrutiny of the policies Ted Turner and others so enthusiastically advocate. one must inquire if these advocators have done their research. Population control runs frequently use some signifier of payment or value to convey in more adult females for sterilisation. While in India these awards were frequently popular electronic contraptions. nutrient was used to actuate Peruvians. Sometimes. as in the instance of Sra. Espinoza who testified before Congress. the adult females were sterilized without presentment or consent. Sra. Espinoza was admitted into a Peruvian infirmary for an exigency cescarean subdivision surgery. She had two kids and was asked whether or non whe would be sterilized after the birth of this. her 3rd kid. Being in a great trade of hurting. Sra. Espinoza stated that she said nil. signed her documents. and awoke from surgery to happen that her kid had died and that tubal ligation had been performed on her. [ As found in Congressional Briefing studies date d Feb. 23 – 1998 ] Sra. Espinoza had been a victim of quotas for sterilisation imposed on Peruvian physicians like the 1 who operated on her. The root of coercion does non lie in quotas entirely. In states like Peru. authorities workers appear on small town doorsills bearing prophylactic devices and drugs. Which of these frequently hapless. illiterate adult females are traveling to decline orders when the preventive carriers are frequently the same functionaries that control distribution of their nutrient? The more well-known policies of China chalk out a much darker image. Birth quotas have besides been imposed in China. but Chinese policy takes coercion one measure farther. Not merely must all gestations be authorized before construct through a birth voucher. but women’s catamenial rhythms are publically monitored and pelvic scrutinies are performed on all suspected of being pregnant. All gestations non accompanied by a birth voucher are terminated by abortion. If a babe is to the full developed. the agencies of â€Å"aborting† the kid include submerging. surrounding. the usage of forceps to oppress the baby’s skull. and an injection of formaldahyde inserted into the soft cap of a baby’s caput during or upon birth. Night foraies gaining control adult females flying abortion. and illegal kids are basically non-existent. They are non entered on the population registry and may non have medical benefits. grain rations. attend school or addition empployment. It is how Americans would populate if they didn’t have. and could non have. a societal security figure. Effectss of population control are already seeable and lay waste toing. 10-20 million Chinese misss are considered â€Å"missing† due to â€Å"sex selective abortion of female foetuss. female infant mortality ( through infanticide or forsaking ) . and selective disregard of misss ages 1 to 4† . harmonizing to a 1996 U. S. Census Bureau study. A 1991 Shanghai diary warned that if sex ratios continued to lift. China would hold an ground forces of unmarried mans totaling some 70 million strong by 2010. A more convincing statement against the effects of population control may lie in the pocket of the American revenue enhancement remunerator. The U. S. Agency for International Development ( AID ) . the State Department. and the World Bank pumps some 350 million revenue enhancement dollars a twelvemonth into population control runs. harmonizing to the National Review. Are we content. so. that Republican congresswomans Chris Smith and Todd Tiahrt have managed to cut off funding for the population control activities with the most coercion involved? Dr. Hector Cuchon of Peru is non. In his February 23. 1998 Congressional briefing. Dr. Chuchon asked that the â€Å"people of the United States understand what their authorities is making in Peru. † In a really big state of no more than 25 million inhavitants. the U. S. authorities supports â€Å"a barbarous birth control campaign†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Chuchon stated. and went on to press. â€Å"Therefore. I would particularly like to state that if you want to assist my state. do so by puting in instruction and occupation creative activity. and non utilizing these 1000000s of dollars for population control plans. † While. on the surface. guardians of population control campaigns appear to do a good point with het statements about a â€Å"booming† population and â€Å"dwindling† resources. these sentiments pale in comparing to the lifelessly. chilling facts. Equally far as such plans of all time being implemented in the U. S. . I feel that we should conceive of ourselves in the topographic point of the Chinese adult female. our babe alive and suckling merely seconds before being tossed in a rubbish can. After all. we would wholly be affected by a population control run in the United States. If I have made no argumentative point in this essay. allow it come down to this statement. written by Stephen Moore in the National Review October of 1999: â€Å"If some choose to subscribe to a one-child policy. so be it. But the remainder of us – Americans. Chinese. and everybody else – don’t need or want Ted Turner or the United Nations to state us how many childs to hold. †

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Grow up near a fire station, the excitement that arose....

Grow up near a fire station, the excitement that arose.... Growing up near a fire station, the excitement that arose from the building always peaked my curiosity of what went on within its walls. This interest soon turned into a dream. I wanted to be firefighter when I grew up. As a kid, I remember running after fire trucks every time I heard the distinctive sound of their roaring sirens. I was mesmerized by firefighters and tried to watch as many firefighter related movies as possible. Not only did they just save other peoples' lives, they risked their own lives fighting the blazing infernos. I saw firefighters heroically twirl down the fire poll and decided that I would start my firefighting career in the playground by practicing sliding down the poll as well. However, as I began to get older, I saw that my idealistic vision of being a heroic firefighter wasn't reality! Although disappointed, I still held onto my dream of becoming a firefighter one day.Firefighters CompetitionUnexpectantly, the chance of fulfilling my childhood dream came without notice. The day started just like any ordinary day. Waking up at 8 o'clock, I remembered it was the first day back to school from the long winter break and I hurried as I got ready to go to the school. As usual, school went forth as usual with no disturbance all through first, second, and third period. However, during our fourth period, we were in for a surprise. No one could have imagined what was to happen next. It all started suddenly with a siren that was so loud I couldn't hear myself screaming. As my teacher tried to calm the class down by saying that it may be a fire drill, we started to see the lack of truth in her words as we saw black smoke swallowing the...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CASE ANALYSIS heart of atlanta motel v. united states Study

ANALYSIS heart of atlanta motel v. united states - Case Study Example In the case under consideration, Heart of Atlanta Motel questioned and challenged the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and attempted to justify and assert its policy of discrimination against African Americans. The Heart of Atlanta Hotel was located in Atlanta, Georgia. This facility denied the rights of admission to Black Americans, in direct violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The suit filed by the owner of this motel questioned the powers extended to Congress by the Civil Rights Act in the domain of interstate commerce. In addition, he validated his stance of discrimination against Black Americans on the grounds of the rights extended to him by the Fifth and Thirteenth Amendment. The United States justified its authority under the Commerce Clause and denied any violation of the Fifth and Thirteenth Amendment Rights of the appellant. On December 14, 1964, a nine-judge bench led by Justice Tom C. Clark unanimously voted in favor of the United States of America. The court validated the authority of Congress in the sphere of Interstate Commerce, as far as the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was concerned. It denied any violation of the Thirteenth Amendment rights of the appellant. The decision accepted the authority of the United States Government in interfering in the acts of discrimination in public accommodation and noted that the jurisdiction of the Title II was, â€Å"carefully limited to the enterprises having a direct and substantial relation to the interstate flow of goods and services†¦ (U.S. Supreme Court Media). Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited the practice of racial discrimination in public accommodations whose operations had an impact on the interstate commerce. The Heart of Atlanta motel located in Atlanta, Georgia denied admission to African Americans, in direct contradiction and violation of the Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The owner of this motel stated that the interference of the